What will I receive if I subscribe?

I’ll send you an email once a month with some quick poetry news, and an involved missive on a particular topic within the craft and power of poetry, plus plenty of recommended readings, writing prompts, and exercises.

There is no difference between the paid and free subscriptions, because I believe it’s fundamentally wrong to create a hierarchy of access according to financial or class positionality. I simply ask that if you can comfortably pay, you might consider doing so, to financially support my writing and teaching.

To All Subscribers:
We are daily bombarded by emails, and it’s important for us to each maintain limits in a mindful way. Please only subscribe for as long as it feels helpful for you and (in the case of paying subscribers) as long as you have the resources to spare. In this frenetic “attention economy” I am grateful to you for offering your attention to my writing— whether it’s once, or for years to come.

Subscribe to lullabies & alarms

the craft & power of poetry


Elisabeth Blair is a poet & editor. She's published a poetry memoir, two chapbooks, & poems in 30+ literary journals. In 2022 she received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to finish her 2nd book, a poetry novel. www.elisabethblair.net